June 1998 to November 1999
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Subject: Saw You Today
To: technomom@mindspring.com
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Hi Cyn! Saw you today. Nice place. The next few weeks should be interesting.
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Subject: Beware when school starts!
To: technomom@mindspring.com
We know where someone goes to school.
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Date: 2 Nov 1998 01:20:26 -0000
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To: fatass@technomom.com
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Subject: Hey, Hey, Hey!
Saw your fat ass over near Ponce de Leon not too long ago. Followed your fat ass home. Expect some visitors, soon, "fat ass." We're coming over to do cross stitch.
See ya!
I received 16 copies of the following as soon as a local TV station started running promos about a story I did with them. Dick Coward learned a new little trick - he went to Excite's news site, found an annoying news story, and used their little "send this story to a friend" link. He entered one of my email addresses in the to and from fields, then sent it - over and over and over again. I've yet to hear anything substantive from Excite about getting information from their web user logs.
Return-Path: <technomom@mindspring.com>
Received: from cheddar.excite.com ([])
by mx10.mindspring.com (Mindspring Mail Service) with ESMTP id s31p06.kg7.37kbi3u
for <technomom@mindspring.com>; Mon, 15 Nov 1999 23:56:38 -0500 (EST)
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Mon, 15 Nov 1999 20:56:37 -0800 (PST)
Date: Mon, 15 Nov 1999 20:56:37 -0800 (PST)
From: technomom@mindspring.com
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MIME-Version: 1.0
Nude Dancing Takes Center Stage
Content-Type: multipart/mixed; boundary="C33455432M1123322Z"
This Excite News Article (http://news.excite.com/news/r/991111/10/odd-nude)
has been sent to you from technomom@mindspring.com
Message from sender:
News Article: Nude Dancing Takes Center Stage
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Nude dancing took center stage as the
U.S. Supreme Court had a new look at whether the Constitution's
protection of free speech covers erotic expressive entertainment
performed without any clothes.
An establishment called Kandyland is challenging an Erie,
Pennsylvania, law that made it a crime to appear nude in
"taverns, restaurants, clubs, theaters, dance halls, banquet
halls or halls limited to specific members."
Kandyland lawyer John Weston told the justices that "In
1999, nude entertainment has become a significant staple of the
American scene."
A decision is expected by the end of June.
Then I received 20 copies of this one:
Return-Path: <technomom@mindspring.com>
Received: from slurpee.excite.com ([])
by mx9.mindspring.com (Mindspring Mail Service) with ESMTP id s31pdl.avr.37kbi17
for <technomom@mindspring.com>; Tue, 16 Nov 1999 00:03:48 -0500 (EST)
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Mon, 15 Nov 1999 21:03:48 -0800 (PST)
Date: Mon, 15 Nov 1999 21:03:48 -0800 (PST)
From: technomom@mindspring.com
Message-Id: <199911160503.VAA26367@slurpee.excite.com>
MIME-Version: 1.0
Subject: Women Flock to Silicon Valley in Search of Men
Content-Type: multipart/mixed; boundary="C33455432M1123322Z"
This Excite News Article (http://news.excite.com/news/r/991115/11/odd-leisure-singles)
has been sent to you from technomom@mindspring.com
Message from sender:
News Article: Women Flock to Silicon Valley in Search of Men
By Andrea Orr
PALO ALTO, Calif. (Reuters) - The world capital of
technology and innovation became the site of a more social
gathering during weekend as hundreds of women from as far away
as Britain came looking for single men.
With California's Silicon Valley now surpassing Anchorage,
Alaska for the biggest percentage of unattached men, American
Singles held its national convention here, promising women they
could find not just any man, but a stable man with a steady job,
and perhaps even an Internet millionaire.
What many found instead was more women. Attendance at the
event was disproportionately female and many women left early or
took to the dance floor with each other.
Some local women cynically confided to the out-of-towners
that the statistics lied and said that if there was truly a
surplus of men, most preferred a late night in front of a
computer screen to a romantic dinner.
"I met some girls who drove down from Portland, Oregon,"
said one 37-year-old woman from Oakland, Calif. "They looked
incredibly good for having driven for 14 hours but they were not
thrilled when they got here."
By the end of the evening, the women from Portland were
nowhere to be found.
Those women who did stick it out saw the odds improve
slightly as the night went on. Several men on their way home
from work dropped in on the party, saying they were willing to
try just about anything to meet someone of the opposite sex.
"It's absolutely true that there's a shortage of women,"
said Greg Friedland, a 25-year-old software developer at Oracle
Corp. He came to the American Singles event with a group of
friends who confessed to being desperate.
"There's so many men here that the women don't have to do
anything. They just sit there looking pretty and the guys swarm
around," said Friedland.
Another young software engineer employed at Hewlett-Packard
Co said he came to the convention after striking out in several
other venues including a flower arranging class.
"There's a very poor population of single women in the
area," he said. "And I think the women who are here get hit on
so often that they don't come out much."
The area's lopsided male-female ratios made national
headlines this year after a local newspaper analyzed census data
and concluded that Santa Clara County, Calif. had the largest
concentration of unattached men of any metropolitan region in
the country.
American Singles founder Richard Gosse seized on the data,
offering women from around the country their registration fee
back if they did not meet one good man.
Later he clarified that he never promised the women would be
able to have that one good man all to themselves, and that a
couple of women might end up meeting the same good man.
Gosse, author of books such as "You Can Hurry Love" and
"Looking for Love in All the Right Places," does not have the
best track record with his singles conventions. He scheduled
last year's event in Anchorage on the first day of hunting
season and got three women attendees for every man.
So where were all the men this year?
Gosse once again picked a bad weekend. Sunday marked the
start of the Comdex convention in Las Vegas, the computer
industry's biggest trade show, where hundreds of thousands of
high-tech types convene to get a look at new gadgets and hear
luminaries like Microsoft CEO Bill Gates speak.
My partner received this email - I suppose Dick Coward is getting annoyed by the fact that we have the rest of our addresses blocked from the remailers. Sam's address is now blocked, as well.
Return-Path: <secret_squirrel@nym.alias.net>
Received: from nym.alias.net ([])
by mx9.mindspring.com (Mindspring Mail Service) with SMTP id s35roo.ph4.37kbi17
for <sam_chupp@xxx.xxxm>; Wed, 17 Nov 1999 13:08:24 -0500 (EST)
Date: 17 Nov 1999 18:08:23 -0000
From: Secret Squirrel <secret_squirrel@nym.alias.net>
Message-ID: <4469d620a29e692c458f7832eb086ebd@anonymous>
To: sam_chupp@xxx.xxx
Subject: What a fucking loser you are!
Comments: Please report problems with this automated remailing service to
<squirrel-admin@nym.alias.net>. The message sender's identity is
unknown, unlogged, and not replyable.
Saw Cyn on the news last night. What a pig. Are you feeding her 8 meals a day or what? That woman is gargantuan. Whatever you do, don't let her get on top, she'll crush you.
If you have to settle on someone like that, then you are a real loser. Do you not have any pride? Any self-esteem? Thinking about you with her makes me throw up.
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